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The materials at this site have been prepared by DiTomasso & DiTomasso for information purposes only and are not legal advice or opinion on any matter. The sending or receipt of this material is not the representation of , nor does it create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and receiver. Readers should seek professional counsel on all matters and not act upon the materials provided in this attorney adverting. The contents of this site may periodically change without notice. Due to the complexity of the law(s), readers should consult with an attorney about their specific situation and /or facts and should not rely on the information provided. Individual facts and circumstances are essential to every matter, thus DiTomasso & DiTomasso cannot assure that the contents provided is applicable to your matter or situation; nor guarantee that the contents herein are correct, complete, or current. DiTomasso & DiTomasso can not assure that connectivity will be uninterrupted or that material accessible from this site is free of viruses. DiTomasso & DiTomasso may periodically provide information from, or links to, other resources on the Internet to help you find useful information; however DiTomasso & DiTomasso can not endorse or take responsibility for third-party content and make no representations regarding said third party content.

When contacting DiTomasso & DiTomasso via e-mail over the internet, individuals and/or entities should not send confidential, sensitive or potentially privileged information. Specific legal questions will not be addressed by e-mail and senders should merely request a consultation with one of the attorneys at the firm, simply providing the nature of the matter. Time-sensitive issues are best addressed by telephoning our offices
There will be no attorney-client relationship agreed or implied as between DiTomasso & DiTomasso (or any of it’s attorneys) and any individual (s) or entities without written letters of engagement confirming the firms representation and the scope thereof.

Privacy Policy Statement

DiTomasso & DiTomasso has adopted the following privacy policy statement applicable to this site.
DiTomasso & DiTomasso does not currently collect personal identifying information through our web site except: information automatically provided by your Internet service provider, such as its web site address and possibly your e-mail address; information that you send to us in an e-mail message; and information that you submit to us in a CGI form (for example, when you submit a search request on our web page).
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Privacy Policy Statements are subject to change.